My name is Jaime, I am 35 years old and a mom of 3. For 10 years I worked as a pediatric floor nurse and over the last 2 years I moved to a regular m-f, 9-5 job. I have been overweight all my life. Never an athlete but tried like hell to fit in. I remember trying to run around the soccer field and faking injuries because I just wasn’t fit enough to participate. I had no endurance. Then I went to college, my best friend and roommate was beautiful and SKINNY! Not awkward skinny but fit skinny. I tried to work out like she did but I just didn’t have it in me to stick to it. I always had skinny friends as if that would make me skinny. Pretty sure in most cases I was the DFF (designated fat friend). It was something I began to just accept. I enjoyed drinking and partying too much to do anything else. I was at my highest of 202 when I met my husband. I will never forget that day at the doctor. I wanted to die.
Over the year or so we dated I got down to 195. We moved to Connecticut and I got depressed because he was working so much and I was afraid I was going to lose him. I figured losing weight would make him love me more. I find that no matter what I always need a goal to work towards in order for me to get “serious” about losing weight. The first time 9 years ago it was my mom’s wedding. I started at 195 and got down to 165. After mom’s wedding and salvaging our relationship (we moved to NC and he worked better hours) about 20lbs of that came back. Then came our engagement. Another goal so 8 years ago I lost 30lbs for my wedding bringing me to 50lbs gone from my highest weight ever. Not bad right?! Well then I got pregnant. BYE BYE 50lbs. Welcome 60lbs gained.
The last time I saw my weight when I was pregnant I believe was at 38 weeks and I was 213lbs. I refused to look at the scale until after my delivery! I had 2 more children and my weight would go up and down but I was usually hovering around 185. My oldest was 4 when I got “serious” again. This time it was for my sisters wedding. I was not at my heaviest but I had a goal of 30-40lbs to lose. I achieved that goal. In fact I was 5lbs from my overall goal!!! That’s when the weight gain started. I met a group of friends and began to train for a half marathon and a full marathon. “Rungry” is a real thing. I was hungry all the time and began to eat whatever I wanted because well “I just burned 1200 calories” running!!
This was around the same time I met Jennifer. We met at a healthy meals party and I told her “if you can give me a butt, I’ll love you forever” I have always had a flat butt! I was so impressed by her ability to pinpoint every weak muscle I had in my legs and why I was shaped the way I was I knew I had to give her a chance. We have been working out together for 9 months or so.
Weight loss has been a challenge as I have found out that my hormone levels are royally screwy and need to be fixed before I will see the true results I crave. That has been the biggest challenge but also the biggest relief to know that there are some blocking factors to my weight loss.
Even when I was 5lbs from my overall goal my stomach was still an issue, that’s where I carry my weight and the reason has nothing to do with my food choices. It has everything to do with my hormone levels. We found some amazing supplements that I can’t imagine a day without and as a result my energy is way up and I’m normally relatively mellow and not highly stressed (unless my kids are aggravating me!).
Since working out with Jennifer I have discovered that I am an athlete. I am a runner, I lift, I love working out and hate it at the same time. I walk into Jennifer’s gym knowing there is a challenge ahead of me and it excites me. I am about to find out I am stronger than I thought I was. Sometimes I am even stronger than she thinks I am. Most importantly I am walking into a supportive environment with someone that not only wants me to succeed but genuinely cares about me and my overall well being. She is available to me basically 24/7. You can’t get that kind of support and training anywhere else.
I am not at my goal weight or my goal form but I am getting there. Every day I am a little stronger and notice a little more muscle!
—–Oh and in case you are wondering….. I HAVE A BUTT!!!!!!!!