A Truly Holistic, Intelligent, Natural and Kind Approach to Fitness


THINK Holistic Fitness specializes in:

Training women with prior injuries

Injuries can leave you feeling like your body is “broken,” but we’re here to change that. During a complimentary assessment, we’ll create a personalized plan to help you overcome chronic pain or recover from surgeries such as hip replacements, lumbar discectomies, or shoulder repairs. Our goal is to help you build confidence in your body while safely increasing strength and reducing the risk of further injury.

Healing from past diet or fitness trauma

Diet culture has caused many women to struggle with food, their bodies, and self-confidence. Whether you’ve dealt with eating disorders, chronic dieting, or disordered eating, we help you rebuild a healthy, intuitive relationship with food and your body. With expertise in clinical mental health, we’ll support you in becoming self-led and free from societal pressures.

Longevity training for 50+, 60+, 70+

Maintaining muscle strength is key to a vibrant and longer life. Muscle naturally diminishes with age, but through targeted strength training, we help you combat muscle loss, improve balance, and avoid frailty—no matter your age.


Hypermobility can lead to joint instability, pain, and injuries if not properly addressed. Through assessments and personalized training, we teach you how to stabilize movements, build muscle, and prevent injury, helping you thrive despite hypermobility challenges.

Body image support

Body image isn’t just about your appearance—it’s often rooted in deeper emotions. While weight loss might offer temporary relief, true body confidence comes from addressing those underlying issues. Using our clinical mental health background, we’ll help you explore ways to improve your body image without relying solely on weight loss.

Weight loss

Weight loss is deeply personal and nuanced. Whether you’ve tried countless diets or are unsure if weight loss should be your focus, we help you assess your goals holistically. Together, we’ll explore your relationship with food, your body, and your mental health to create a sustainable approach that aligns with your well-being.

Peri-menopause Menopause

As trainers who are also navigating peri-menopause, menopause, and beyond, we understand the unique challenges you face. We’ll guide you through this stage with tailored support, empowering you to feel strong and capable.

THINK Holistic Fitness is a semi-private “women only” training facility.

We are here to get one very specific job done – to help you achieve your personal goal of improved health, physical strength, injury recovery or healing from toxic diet or fitness culture. Through our rigorous initial assessments we find every possible barrier to your success and help you eliminate them so you can reach your goal and never have to “diet” again.

We invest everything we have in helping you reach your goal and will leave no stone unturned. We are committed to helping you in every way we can – even if it’s texting us at a restaurant when you are confused about a menu or helping you manage negative self-talk. At THINK Holistic Fitness we walk the walk and want you to know what that feels like so you too can be free of disordered eating, pain, inflammation, fatigue, body dissatisfaction and/or negative self image.

This is our calling.



Female Fitness Studio

Semi-Private Training

Online Nutrition and Health Coaching

THINK Holistic Fitness

What’s different about THINK?

THINK specializes in coaching and serving women who can’t figure out why they’re unable to meet their goals, including those who think they’re doing everything right. Many of my clients come to me at the end of their rope and ready to do whatever it takes to get back on track healthwise.

And if you’re perimenopausal or menopausal, you’ve just found your tribe! Most of our clients are between 40 -70 years young, although we train women ages 16-68, and they’re all in various stages of healing and building strength.




Hi there, I’m Jennifer, and I’m so excited you’re here!

FUN FACT!  The info in this site doesn’t come from theory or some random ideas thrown together.  It comes from over 15 years working  with women – especially those who struggle with body dissatisfaction, emotional eating/binge eating, peri-menopausal and post-menopausal and especially those who feel uncomfortable in a regular gym setting.

I specialize in coaching and teaching women to identify the reasons for their inability to reach their goals,  including those who think they are doing everything right.

I don’t believe in relying on willpower to succeed in transforming your body. Relying on willpower only leads to frustration, desperation and feelings of failure, guilt and shame. Instead, I have developed a very thorough system to analyze and identify exactly where the main problems and issues exist.


My name, is Kate Mitchell and I was born and raised in England. I’ve been happily married to Jonathan for 35 years. We have 3 great children, Daniel 29, Iain 23, and Sarah 19. I have lived in England, Pakistan about 14 years, and the USA for 19 years. I have a B.Ed and M.Ed and taught grade school for many years, I’ve homeschooled, sold beauty products, worked in administration, and been the domestic goddess at Chateau Mitchell.

My own journey into fitness started around 8 years ago when I was 55, I ran out of excuses and took ownership of that I was the only person who could change me. I signed up my husband and myself up for a one month “101” fitness course – naively thinking that was all it would take to learn everything!
Starting a few years before this I had begun to notice my parent’s aging and increasing frailty. Medicines – lots and lots of little white pills – taken 3 or 4 times a day were keeping them “going”. I realized that there was a huge difference between lifespan and healthspan. I decided I didn’t want to slip down a long slope of 20 years of fraility, feebleness, and increasing dependence upon others for help.

In researching healthy aging I discovered that it is never too late and it is possible to maintain and even improve my current health, strength, and fitness levels. I could extend my healthspan to within 2 or 3 years of my lifespan. In other words, I want to fall off the pull up bar and straight into my coffin!

3 years ago I got my Personal Training Certification from NASM, and interned at a CrossFit gym and got the CrossFit Level 1 Certification. 2 years ago I started coaching group HIIT classes but continued to spend time researching and learning online. I stumbled across THINK Holistic and reached out to Jennifer. I have had many “aha” moments learning from Jennifer – and I know I will continue to have them for many years to come. THINK Holistic is truly an Island of Excellence in a sea of gyms, studios, and trainers. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with Jennifer and the ladies of THINK.

Consistency is a game changer. I have spent 8 years working out 3-4 times a week. During this time, I have been dabbling and experimenting with my nutrition. I’ve gone through extended phases of Paleo, South Beach, Renaissance Periodization, High Glycemic, Low Carb, Low Fat, Different ratios of Macros, Zoe, and most recently the Longevity Diet and Prolon. Each have something to recommend but through this process I have gradually found what works for me and enables me to keep my body fat lower and very slowly gain muscle mass. I love encouraging others on their own nutrition journey to find what works for them.
I pretty much like every exercise in the gym. I know that the movements I “dislike” are often ones I need to work on the most. I especially like to do movements that are not in the usual repertoire of someone my age such as handstand push-ups, pull-ups, or clean and jerk. I hope to make a good show at the Centenarian Olympics and I trust that you will join me there too!


THINK Holistic Fitness

At THINK, we meet you where you are. If you’re exhausted, unmotivated, discouraged, down on yourself or even literally falling apart, that’s ok. Because you’re not alone – and we know how to help you. 

So how can you regain your energy and vitality, increase your flexibility and strength and start to feel good about your body again? It’s a whole-body process. THINK isn’t a lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks type of place.  


THINK Online Coaching

Not a local? Unable to meet in person? Not quite ready to sweat it out with us at THINK? 

Maybe you’re interested in our online coaching program which includes seminars on the challenges we see popping up most frequently in the women we work with. Or you may need more intensive one-on-one health coaching. 

Hours of Work
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What’s Different About THINK?

THINK specializes in coaching and serving women who can’t figure out why they’re unable to lose weight, including those who think they’re doing everything right. Many of my clients come to us at the end of their rope and ready to do whatever it takes to get back on track healthwise.

And if you’re perimenopausal or menopausal, you’ve just found your tribe! Most of our clients are between 40-65 years young, although we train women ages 16-68, and they’re all in various stages of healing and building strength.



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Bruch John
Xena John
Joe Coel




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$50 / 1 MONTH


$90 / 2 MONTH


$120 / 3 MONTH



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5 healthy and orderly ways of life?

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What are some good foods eaten for diet?

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Regular dining and sleeping schedules?

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