1. How did you hear about my training program?
Jaime Baliva turned me on to your site and her personal training experience so I thought what the heck let me give it a try online since I need someone who can guide me and Jaime said you were great.
2. What were your hopes when you first started?
My hopes were to have a good schedule that would fit my life and a good workout as well for someone who was newly beginning this journey as well. I def liked the idea that I was being held accountable and that at any time once I shared my fit pal app you could see my food so I had to be serious and have progress to report.
3. What did you learn that you did not know prior to starting training?
I learned so much in this training from how many calories I should be eating to what macros even are and how they affect my workout. I learned how hormonal changes can also affect my weight gain. I learned about reading the scale over a week and not just a day because of the flux.
4. How has training with me helped you meet your goals?
Training with you has helped me reach my goals because you motivated me and supported me through all of this. You gave me the tools and answers to every question I had. From the email support to the phone calls everything was great! I know I had to be ready to do this but to have someone pushing, supporting, providing the tools, and holding me accountable was exactly what I needed!
5. If doing online training, what were your expectations of online training? And would you recommend online training to others?
I don’t think I thought it would be this great but the online training to me has been wonderful. I have and will continue to recommend this to others who are motivated and ready to truly see results!
6. What are your current results/successes?
I think I am still reeling off the happiness that I actually stuck to this tooth and nail for 6 weeks through an Easter, numerous parties, ect. I never stopped and gave in to an urge.
So far I am at 17 lbs lost at 6 weeks so I am ready to keep going and get fit
7. What did you do that worked for you to lose the weight? (EX: charting calories, eliminating foods, what were your workouts like, sleep, supplements, etc.)
I did everything from charting calories to completely cutting out bad food and alcohol. I stuck to the amount of calories I was supposed to eat just about every day (maybe not 2 or 3 days) but that definitely was a start. Preparing my food on Sunday and then again on Wed was a big help. I drank at least 100 ounces of water a day as well. I cant say the cleanse helped but it may have.
I am doing 3 workouts a week, jogging/running on the days I don’t work out and one day a week I just take a long walk with the dogs. I tend to sleep 6-7 hours a night and it works for me now.
I love the extend stuff with my workout as I don’t hurt as bad the next day and it boosts me to finish my workout.
When I was close to my weigh in for a competition for weight loss I was in, I drank the dandelion root and took the “Expel”. I also somewhat followed the 7 day cleanse but really just ate very little from the options on the form. I cant be sure that the expel helped as I didn’t pee anymore then I normally did but I did continue to lose weight over the weekend.