How Diane Lost Sixty Pounds in Six Months

Do you want to lose sixty pounds in six months like Diane?

I met Diane in September 2016 when she came into my studio apparently full of despair, little hope and lack of faith in herself and to be honest – me as well.  She could not imagine that I could help guide her out of the hole she was in when it came to her health and weight.  Diane even asked me if there was anything I thought I could do for her and my thought was “I love clients like you.”

To me, the more to work on the BETTER.  Simply because there is no place to go but UP (if the client has willingness to work).

That was Diane.  She wanted to change and she wanted results but wanting only goes so far.

Clients come in all the time who “want” to lose weight and get fit but if someone doesn’t move from the “want” phase to the “I will do whatever it takes” phase they only get more of the same.  They just get more “wanting” without results. 

Diane was ready to do whatever it takes and she literally said to me “I will do whatever you tell me to do.”

Here at THINK Holistic Fitness we have a proven formula that helps women who are ready to commit to our process.

Our process involves (if needed) full comprehensive lab analysis, hormone balancing, physical therapy, nutrition guidance, mindset techniques and counseling sessions.

We recognize that there are times when we need to assist a client on many fronts in order to get them to a place where they can succeed.  Not everyone needs this level of help but if they do – we can cover it.

Diane went from having major physical mobility issues and being sedentary due to a foot that was internally decapitated to taking DANCE LESSONS, LIFTING WEIGHTS, WALKING 4 MILES PER DAY and LOSING OVER 60lbs. IN LESS THAN SIX MONTHS.

All you need is the “I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES” attitude and we provide the roadmap that is specifically designed for your needs and coach you on the road to success.